There is nothing better than seeing our children happy. So you can understand the reasoning when you see parents give in to the request of his son, sweets, cakes and ice cream. After all, there are the greatest threats that we as parents have to worry about, right?
Well, it turns out, children have a natural desire for sugar and foods high in fat. It is part of the programming for survival and is accentuated during childhood and adolescence. We now know that the consumption of processed sugar is bad and very addictive but many parents do not worry too much about it, and often encouraged, thinking that as the child is small, no big deal. I remember when my son was first going to the bathroom in the toilet. We were so proud! We danced around, applauded and gave him biscuits and ice cream. He loved it and thought it was good. Looking back, the amount of sugar that gave that day was ridiculous. It was more than enough for an adult, so I can only imagine what was going on in your body after eating all that sugar. I wanted to show that we were proud of, why not candy?
SUGAR: Trick or Treat?
Many of us parents use sugar as a reward and justifies us is right because it is only occasional. I tip someone the finger because I did too, but the reality is that what may seem an occasional treat actually becomes a daily habit. Consider what the child consumes on average today. They usually begin their day with cereal, perhaps after that, even with a light orange juice concentrate, and terminate in a grab and go snack. This was the norm in my house growing up, and even the child consumes on average today.It is a worrying comparison, sugar and cocaine. It is in almost everything a child or an adult eats in a typical day, and sold on nearly every street corner legally and the other is just as addictive, has similar effects on the body and the brain, but it is illegal. And depending on your state, which can carry a sentence of 10 years imprisonment and a fine of $ 20,000 with mandatory rehabilitation for repeat offenders. There is something wrong here, do not you think?
How to tell if your child is addicted to sugar?
A new report reveals that 16% of daily caloric intake of our children come from added sugar. (Http:// have all witnessed the scene after giving our children some sugar on top. Usually, they get hyper and jumping around the house while making a big mess. So either fall asleep or end as taciturn send them to bed anyway.I often criticized for raising my children to be conscious eaters, especially when it comes to sugar. Many people believe that it is a birthright that each child gets to eat biscuits, cakes and sweets. But what people do not seem to understand is that when small children regularly participate in food sugar, your taste buds become conditioned to crave sugar. Sugar is addictive once it is rare that you give a child a biscuit and expressing satisfaction with one, so soon after the first, ask another, then another, etc. This creates unhealthy habits after adulthood
It is difficult to pin point the characteristics of a sugar addicted child. Many factors come into play when you are looking for a child's behavior to see if sugar is the underlying cause of these behaviors. If you think your child may be addicted to sugar, the more likely it is that:
- regularly eat large amounts of sugar
- are hard to put to bed
- experience frequent mood swings
- asks for food regularly
- have difficulty focusing or pay attention
- are picky eaters
What I say to parents who do not know is to test it first-hand. Eliminate processed sugar for a week and see how they react. This means: fruit juice, cereals, pies pop, jam, pancakes, waffles, cereal bars, chips, bread, pasta, cookies, candy, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and many others products that are now sold with a high content of transformed sugar. See how your children react to this change. If you notice a change in their behavior, knowing that there is a solution. You can teach them to overcome these bad habits. All you need is a little patience and a lot of love and understanding.
Teach your child to have a healthy relationship with SUGAR
Until recently, children accounted for 3 percent of cases of type 2 diabetes, but in 2004 this number increased to 45 percent. Research has linked high sugar consumption for a number of serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and tooth decay. We, parents can change this teaching our children to have a healthy relationship with food, especially sugar.
Teach your child to have a healthy relationship with SUGAR
Until recently, children accounted for 3 percent of cases of type 2 diabetes, but in 2004 this number increased to 45 percent. Research has linked high sugar consumption for a number of serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and tooth decay. We, parents can change this teaching our children to have a healthy relationship with food, especially sugar.
- Lead by example. Our children learn about life, love and, yes, even food, we parents. So if you intend to create healthy eating habits to their children first you have to start by yourself. Are you looking forward sweets often? Dessert is a necessity after dinner? You can not say one thing and do another. Show them that if you care, then you should do it too. Take action itself to be the model of a healthy diet.
- Start early. Eating habits begin even before birth, so the sooner you start the better trip. If possible, limit the amount of sugar your child eats at birth. They should not eat candy, cake and ice cream for an unforgettable childhood. Teach your children to have a healthy relationship with the sugar at an early age.
- Focus on health. Do not talk to your children about weight gain, fat, or try a weight loss program. Focus on your health! Children who are exposed to weight maintenance at an early age have a higher risk of developing an eating disorder and / or participating in dangerous weight control behaviors. Instead, teach health. Show them that healthy eating is important to have priority and can be the basis for a long and happy life.
- Allow freedom of choice. I believe every child can make healthy food choices, as long as parents provide support and adequate stimulation. When we educate our children about what is good nutrition and offer a wide range of healthy foods to eat, which, over time, learn to make healthy choices about food. This is a great way to relieve pressure from parents when your child makes a poor food choices, you know that you appeared and did his part as a parent.
- Teach them to listen to their bodies. As your children get healthier foods begin to notice that not affect them adversely, such as sugar. Show them how their mood and body changes. Help them to tell the difference between what the healthy sugar, like an apple, and feels that processed sugar, such as a cookie, feels. Show them addictive behavior sugar and how it will affect. Children are smarter than we think and when presented with the right information, we are able to make intelligent decisions.
- Words investigate. You are probably aware of the power of reading food labels can have. Why not give this power to their children. Teach them to read food labels at an early age. Show them what's in the food they buy and / or want to buy. Teaching the many faces of sugar and talk to them about why it is added to almost everything we buy. Give them the knowledge to make informed decisions about the food.
- Prepare meals in the family. When preparing family meals, they have the opportunity to have control of what they eat so they will be happier to eat healthy foods they did. Studies have shown that children who eat the same meals with their parents tend to have a healthier diet. So, prepare and eat healthy foods like family models healthy habits.
- Create a sugar house. Make your home a safe place for them to move. Limit sugar at home is a must for children who struggle with sugar cravings. Keep healthy snacks like fresh fruit, raw nuts and / or a mixture. These are healthy alternatives to processed snacks. We often sweet fruit, dates, honey and sometimes our children when they want something sweet. Find a healthy alternative for your child.
- Push for products. Having less processed sweets in the house, their children naturally gravitate toward foods that have a natural sweetness. Always push to alternative ... fruits and vegetables more! Make sure they get proper, such as carbohydrates, proteins and good fats in their body the nutrients. Eating healthy foods that give you a natural energy boost without the sugar rush of fear.
- If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! This is always the most important. There are many situations expose children to high blood sugar, high processed foods, so have a plan for every situation. Think ahead to birthday parties, school events, and even Sunday school snacks. Having a plan that works for you and your children. Put your food, eat before you go, you can buy a special gift for them to have time to celebrate. Find a way to support healthy lifestyles and enable them to participate. Tell them about that plan and hear their suggestions. The children are quite capable of making smart decisions when they are taught.
We teach our children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, so we must be vigilant on sugar and processed junk food too. Our children deserve a healthy future and we as parents can give them the tools to receive it. There is nothing better than seeing our children happy, but true happiness is not in a temporary solution. It is a long life journey of growth and success. The sooner we teach our children, the better!
Sugar Addiction - How to Stop Addiction to Sugar
Get sugar addiction is using a little more easy carb diets that low are so popular, but it remains a difficult task at the best of days. Like true addicts, we all enjoyed the special occasions that ruin our plans sugar withdrawal. If you have a problem with sugar chances are the first place, it will show on your waistline stopping sugar addiction. Of course, these are not the only place where the sugar can take a toll on your body stopping sugar addiction.
Not all units are created equal
Some sugar units are more difficult to handle than the other stopping sugar addiction. Not everyone has the will to walk away from the sweet rewards that sometimes make life worth living. In other words, millions of people around the world, whether we admit it or not, they need serious help of sugar addiction.
Not all units are created equal
Some sugar units are more difficult to handle than the other stopping sugar addiction. Not everyone has the will to walk away from the sweet rewards that sometimes make life worth living. In other words, millions of people around the world, whether we admit it or not, they need serious help of sugar addiction.
If you are one of those people who identify the problem is the first step to successful treatment stopping sugar addiction. Once you have decided to help sugar addiction, you can start exploring your options for a possible addiction treatment program of sugar that will not leave you in the cold and eat more sugar than ever stopping sugar addiction.
No size Solutions
A successful program designed purpose sugar addiction help will sure to include varying degrees of recovery for different people seeking the help of sugar addiction. The problem is that everyone needs help with this dependency is particularly interested in a completely free plan affected all the great feasts stopping sugar addiction.
For effective treatment program must offer different services to those who need a life without sugar more or less strict. This allows those who have to leave everything sugar diabetes how to stop craving sugar, while those who just want to lose a few pounds to cut some of the sugar in your diet. You will need to identify the solution that you feel is best for you stopping sugar addiction.
NL and the key to the resumption of sugar addiction
If you are really interested in receiving the aid to sugar addiction then you should seriously consider NLP (NLP) and hypnotherapy or a combination of both how to stop craving sugar. The reason is that the hardest battle is mental battle stopping sugar addiction. You must literally change the way you think about food and sugar in order to have a successful diet of any kind how to stop craving sugar. When you can start thinking of food as fuel for the body rather than a sort of whim or reward, then you can start to really enjoy a great success of a different kind together stopping sugar addiction.
How NLP help a sugar problem? Because it addresses the specific problem without wasting time analyzing the "why" stopping sugar addiction. Sometimes you can get so caught up in why you eat too much sugar forget to focus on why it should not. NLP is about training your mind to behave in a new way stopping sugar addiction. In this case, it would be to train your mind to want to avoid sugary foods and drinks that are bad for your health and diet stopping sugar addiction.
J Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings how to stop craving sugar. Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very effective as a form of sugar addiction Help - A good source of hypnotherapist NLP experienced practitioners is correct stopping sugar addiction. This organization has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland sugar withdrawal. Also, you can find links to related professionals to help the sugar addiction in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, Dublin, Ireland, and Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia stopping sugar addiction. These people face a number of fears and phobias, and for more information on the topics go here - Sugar Addiction Treatment stopping sugar addiction.